Friday, March 19, 2010

DAY 29 - The Master Suite Has Walls

Hello readers,

It's Day 30 of Remodeling 1070, and all is quiet as the first coat dries on the new hung sheet rock in the master suite. Yes, you read that correctly: the master suite has walls!! Day 29 was a real visual treat watching two separate teams hang, float and tape the drywall. I still smile from ear to ear thinking about how quickly and efficiently the teams worked, and how much of a visual difference having these rough, unfinished walls makes after 6 weeks of looking at an essentially gutted space. The transformation is a beauty to behold.

But let me get back to the work teams. The team hanging the drywall arrived around 8:00 a.m. yesterday, and we did a very brief walk-through with Matt, the general contractor. By 8:10 a.m., the team was standing on overturned buckets and using construction stilts to hang drywall. By 9:05 a.m., they had their truck packed and the team was gone. AMAZING. I was able to peek in the rooms and watch, and it was like a Cirque du Soleil construction act. You had one guy in the center measuring and cutting drywall, which he then handed to two men who would deliver the drywall to different parts of the room, where other men would hold the drywall in place while still other men on construction stilts would screw the sheets into place. I couldn't help but imagine how much more productive the entire world would be if we all had such a well-oiled system in place.

After about an hour to let the dust settle - I Swiffered twice yesterday - the next team showed up to float and tape, and they did so with the same spot-on efficiency of the first team. They had the first round done in just under 90 minutes. Coat one is still drying, so I am sitting here waiting for them to return a bit later today to apply coat #2, which will then have the weekend to set before the sanding and smoothing gets done on Monday.

Exciting stuff, readers. Now we can really see the shape and contour of the new master suite. The space is terrific, and we are more anxious than ever to get this set of rooms completed so we can move back into that space and start enjoying it. I think each of the master closets is as big as the original master bathroom used to be!

Enjoy the photos below. I tried to put them in an order that shows the progression of yesterday's work.

The drywall hanging ninjas. And no, I did not try on the stilts. I trip in flip flops.
I can almost imagine the team leader instruction: "Okay, you, get on the bucket. You cut. You measure. Bob, stilts. Let's MOVE IT!"
Drywalled second master closet (left) and master bath (right).
Drywalled master bedroom and first master closet.
Ceilings, with drywall. I need a moment . . .
This may seem like an odd photo, but it's actually significant in that this is now a wall where the original entrance into the master bedroom used to be. That will actually be the wall between the new master suite and the renovated second bathroom.
Part of the master bathroom, floated and taped.
Master bedroom and first master closet, floated and taped.
Master bedroom wall between den and master bedroom, and yes, floated and taped.,
You know I can't resist the obligatory debris photo.